Sri Suryapahar Ruins, Goalpara District

Sri Suryapahar literary means the hill associated with the worship of Surya (Sun God). It was a centre of Buddhism, Jainism and Brahmanism from early Christian era to around 12th century CE. Rock-cut stupas, rock-cut figures of jain Tirthankars, rock-cut sculptures of Brahmanical divinities and two excavated temple sites indicate the beautiful amalgamation of distinct architectural and sculptural styles at Sri Suryapahar, spread out almost a millennium.
Source: Directorate of Archaeology Assam.

The site is centered on the hills (Pahar) of Sri Surya which is profusely filled up with Shiva Lingas (Lingam). There is no historical evidence exactly how many Lingams once dotted in these hills, but still there are hundreds of them, from tiny to large in size, scattered everywhere at the foot of the hill.